With the news that my first Niece was on the way we bounced around SLO for the next few hours waiting for further updates on how she was doing. About 3 o'clock we got the message that she was in labor and pushing and to expect the newest Smith soon. By this time we were wrapping up our session and heading to an early dinner, since we skipped lunch to power through to finish the session so we could be ready to go meet the new baby. We found dinner at Chipotle and finished eating, keeping tabs on the baby's progress. As we were sitting around chatting it dawned on me that I had left my camera at home! I turned to my friend, you know the one who was taking the pictures of us, and asked him if I could borrow his so I could get pictures of the family with the new baby. Thankfully, he was very understanding and lent me his camera. It seemed everything was going to go perfect for us today.
Armed with my friends camera and the excitement of being able to see my Niece we headed to the hospital and joined the family members that had already gathered. We arrived as they were finishing up dinner (go figure, right) and we sat to chat about how things were going and about how much longer it might be before following them back to the waiting room. It just so happened that my pregnant sister had come along as an assistant for our photo shoot and I had dragged her with me to the hospital so she could see what things would be like in five months. We tried to get a tour of the birthing and labor rooms but the hospital was full up! Guess everyone was having babies yesterday. We rejoined our family in the lobby and chatted with the family waiting for the news that we had been waiting nine months for. As the hours ticked by and it seemed like she was getting closer we called up my Sister-in-law in Kentucky on Skype! She's three hours ahead and waiting up with the rest of us to see her Niece too. Finally, at 8:25 we get a call that when we answered was nothing more than a little babies cry!
We all cheered and started celebrating in the lobby, excited that she was finally here. Little Bella was brought into the world a 7 pound 11 ounce 21 inch long, baby girl with a healthy set of lungs! After settling down, now began the wait to see the baby after the nurses had cleaned her and momma up and made them both presentable. What seemed like a short eternity later, Brent came downstairs to get us. So began the congratulatory hugs, tears, and well-wishes before he led us upstairs to the room. A thankfully short elevator ride later we all anxiously crept into the room like it was Christmas morning. The quite excitement pulsed through the room as everyone wanted a glimpse of the precious little Bella. The tears and awed gasps and cries began again as everyone got their chance to see the little girl that had brought the whole family together.
Grandma D, Gramdy, was the first one to the bedside to celebrate with Brent and Jenna while the rest of the family lined up around the bed to wait their turn in a chance to see little Bella. Followed by Grandpa Smith, my husband Robert, Caleb, and then Jackie on Skype assisted by Gramdy. We all spent the next few hours in the warmth and comfort of family while the nurse finished taking Bella's vitals and dressed her. Then we all got to take turns holding her, even I took a turn while my hubby took pictures. We left at 11:30 that night excited and proud that we were got to be there for my Nieces birth and be a part of her first moments of life.
]]>A few Months ago this blond bomb shell approached me about photographing her beautiful wedding. It was amazing, they are amazing there kids are gorgeous! We had some amazing opportunities to shoot in some secret spots. (we didn't know was secret till we were ushered into it to warm up!) Sad to say we have officially wrapped up our shooting sessions recently with her rock/trash the dress... and it was AMAZING! |
These young Cadets are lead by C/LTC Nicholas Calendar and C/CSM Byanka Padilla under the guidance of CSM (Ret.) Monty McDaniel and SFC (Ret.) Fuasto S. Valenzuela.
]]>This day also saw the awarding of the Army Achievement Medal for PFC Uzzle and PFC Gonzales for their completion of the Army Structured Self Development courses. This is the first step towards being eligible to attend Warrior Leaders Course. These soldiers are showing that they are ready for anything the Army has to put in front of them.
To purchase any of these photos click the view gallery link in the slide show or follow this link:
10am Thursday morning a small group of soldiers stood over all of Ft. Huachuca.
Thursday SPC Pernell, Sgt. Frances Re enlisted by 1LT Merdler and Sgt. Sucher Re enlisted by CPT Bayer. As the unit readies for deployment these soldiers are ready to continue there loving support for there family and country.
- Photos by Isabelle Roza Megan Smith, at the request of Sgt. Sucher, please contact for any coverage you would like free for all military events.
[email protected] 702-622-3492