Isabelle Roza: Blog en-us (C) Isabelle Roza [email protected] (Isabelle Roza) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:44:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:44:00 GMT Isabelle Roza: Blog 120 119 Welcome! Family Photos. Thank you for choosing me to for your family photos!


First step, Most likely you have already visited our booking page and custom built and Paid your non refundable retainer.  
If not head over to this link and build your custom session so we can further discus your session needs! If you have any  
questions please don't hesitate to call or email me at [email protected]. 
Second Step, Once you have completed the first step the very last item was a link to my calendar! Here you can see my available days 
and choose a date that best fits your needs! If you missed this step head over to this link  If you had any issues fill free to contact me and i can put it into 
the calendar my self.  
Third Step, Your welcome email, This is were you most likely got the link to this post! I will email you some basic information and links 
to get things started. Depending on what you choose in your session will decide on what exactly we need to put together. If you  
choose Artistic (my fav!) then i will contact you with a follow up email and you will get links to follow along as i build and create  
your set and outfits!  
Fourth Step, Your photo session! We will meet at the location chosen during your booking process and have fun! Before the session starts 
you will fill out a client contact and basic contract sheet, Sessions usually only go about an hour, we try to get different combinations  
and looks. We do not limit the amount of outfits you can wear but keep in mind that sessions are limited to 90 minuets, and lighting  
conditions. Once the light is unfavorable we will call the session even if its before the 90 min mark.  
Fifth Step, This is the final step of your journey we will put together and edit your images, you will receive a few sneak peeks online. Sneak 
peeks are for your enjoyment and anticipation of your images. They will be protected by copy right laws and we ask that you wait to  
receive your digital images before printing them, (they will be better print quality!) Sneak peeks may not be copied edited or cropped. 
In about a week you will receive your online gallery were you will be able to Download your images, share with family and friends and order 
prints from our professional print lab!  
Image guaranty: We cannot guaranty image out come, certain factors such as whether, outfit choices, and cooperation of subjects will play 
a big factor in how the final images will come out. Please make sure all children are well fed and rested, bring a favorite toy. Make sure you  
dress for your location, if we are in a green field avoid wearing green. Please make sure faces are clean and socks match! 'fix that in Photoshop' requests will be charged for additional fee per hour. For outfit inspiration see this post! 
Cancelations: You may canceled your session up to 24 hours to the start of your session day for reasons such as illness, weather, or emergencies. A dates will be provided for you to choose from within the next two weeks. If your session required any perishable items, you will forfeit them for your rescheduled shoot, or you may purchase them at your convince before the shoot. We do not issue refunds all sales are final, if you no show or do not canceled within that time period you forfeit your session and payment. Session fees are a retainer of the photographers time and talent. If for what ever reason i cannot make the session due to emergency a full repayment will be given if a new time and date cannot be found.  


[email protected] (Isabelle Roza) Fri, 27 Mar 2015 19:50:02 GMT
Family Photos what should i wear? _MGL7213_MGL7213



STYLE: We are going for casual dressy - or depending on the season to match.

1- Just bring your individual taste to the picture. A good rule is parents neutral and kids can go crazy. Avoid the typical jeans and the exact same white t-shirt. A nice one is for boys to wear jeans and girls dresses. 
2- DO NOT WEAR BUSY PATTERNS. I can date a picture from a pattern. Keep it simple. Also, avoid big trendy logos on boys shirts. Except Batman. ( I love Batman- or any superhero motif for that matter ). Boys look great with a shirt with a collar, even if it's a golf shirt.
3- Wear something that you've tried and tested. It has to be comfortable, it has to fit, it has to boost your confidence. It shows in the picture.
4- Makeup. For this one put on some mascara, blush and lip tint as a minimum. Foundation and eyeliner are a bonus. Lips stains are the way to go to have a natural reddish pout that lasts through the shoot. 
For guys: brush your eyebrows, if you have dark eyes circles you can even wear a dab on concealer. Be careful when you shave to avoid nicks and do wear lip balm for a smooth pout. 
5- Hair. Natural is best, hats... only if you really want to and you wear it every day. Style your hair the day before, it looks more natural and less done. Spray fly-aways.
6- Shoes- slip on shoes so we can go in the sand. Heels for mom look great but have an extra pair of flats so we can walk around grassy areas without sinking

- A baby or picnic blanket to avoid grass stains and sand travelling other places.
- A favourite toy for me to hold to keep baby/kids attention.
[email protected] (Isabelle Roza) Fri, 27 Mar 2015 09:44:34 GMT
4th of July in Lompoc Happy 4th of July Lompoc!  This year was different than previous years as the people of Lompoc were able to purchase and ignite their own fireworks for this years Independence day celebrations.  The Lompoc Chamber of Commerce was a big contributor to the community by offering its parking lot to those who wished to share their fireworks with friends and didn't have room at their house to set them off safely.   The night could be counted a success as the dozen or so people gathered in the parking lot with their own fireworks show as well as several on display through out the city.


[email protected] (Isabelle Roza) 4th Chamber Commerce July Lompoc fireworks friends of pictures Sun, 06 Jul 2014 00:30:15 GMT
Introducing Baby Belicia Smith! Miracles happen every day.  Yesterday was particularly amazing because it happened to my Brother-in-law Brent and his wife Jenna.  We began our day getting ready for our couples photo shoot in San Louis Obispo (ask Siri to say it for you, she's hilarious) with our photographer friend, who we hired.  We got a call that Jenna's water broke the night before and she would be delivering (hopefully) before the end of the day.  This was perfect since they were delivering at the hospital in SLO that just happened to be up the street from where we were going to take our pictures!  On top of that my husband was leaving for Kuwait on Friday and was hoping he would be able to be there for her birth as well.

With the news that my first Niece was on the way we bounced around SLO for the next few hours waiting for further updates on how she was doing.  About 3 o'clock we got the message that she was in labor and pushing and to expect the newest Smith soon.  By this time we were wrapping up our session and heading to an early dinner, since we skipped lunch to power through to finish the session so we could be ready to go meet the new baby.  We found dinner at Chipotle and finished eating, keeping tabs on the baby's progress.  As we were sitting around chatting it dawned on me that I had left my camera at home!  I turned to my friend, you know the one who was taking the pictures of us, and asked him if I could borrow his so I could get pictures of the family with the new baby.  Thankfully, he was very understanding and lent me his camera.  It seemed everything was going to go perfect for us today.

Armed with my friends camera and the excitement of being able to see my Niece we headed to the hospital and joined the family members that had already gathered.  We arrived as they were finishing up dinner (go figure, right) and we sat to chat about how things were going and about how much longer it might be before following them back to the waiting room.  It just so happened that my pregnant sister had come along as an assistant for our photo shoot and I had dragged her with me to the hospital so she could see what things would be like in five months.  We tried to get a tour of the birthing and labor rooms but the hospital was full up!  Guess everyone was having babies yesterday.  We rejoined our family in the lobby and chatted with the family waiting for the news that we had been waiting nine months for.  As the hours ticked by and it seemed like she was getting closer we called up my Sister-in-law in Kentucky on Skype!  She's three hours ahead and waiting up with the rest of us to see her Niece too.  Finally, at 8:25 we get a call that when we answered was nothing more than a little babies cry! 

We all cheered and started celebrating in the lobby, excited that she was finally here.  Little Bella was brought into the world a 7 pound 11 ounce 21 inch long, baby girl with a healthy set of lungs!  After settling down, now began the wait to see the baby after the nurses had cleaned her and momma up and made them both presentable.  What seemed like a short eternity later, Brent came downstairs to get us.  So began the congratulatory hugs, tears, and well-wishes before he led us upstairs to the room.  A thankfully short elevator ride later we all anxiously crept into the room like it was Christmas morning.  The quite excitement pulsed through the room as everyone wanted a glimpse of the precious little Bella.  The tears and awed gasps and cries began again as everyone got their chance to see the little girl that had brought the whole family together.

Grandma D, Gramdy, was the first one to the bedside to celebrate with Brent and Jenna while the rest of the family lined up around the bed to wait their turn in a chance to see little Bella.  Followed by Grandpa Smith, my husband Robert, Caleb, and then Jackie on Skype assisted by Gramdy.  We all spent the next few hours in the warmth and comfort of family while the nurse finished taking Bella's vitals and dressed her.  Then we all got to take turns holding her, even I took a turn while my hubby took pictures.  We left at 11:30 that night excited and proud that we were got to be there for my Nieces birth and be a part of her first moments of life.

[email protected] (Isabelle Roza) Belicia Hospital Lompoc Louis Obispo Rose San Sierra Smith Vista baby birth family newborn Thu, 26 Jun 2014 22:19:33 GMT
Biker Babe
A few Months ago this blond bomb shell approached me about photographing her beautiful wedding. It was amazing, they are amazing there kids are gorgeous! We had some amazing opportunities to shoot in some secret spots. (we didn't know was secret till we were ushered into it to warm up!)  Sad to say we have officially wrapped up our shooting sessions recently with her rock/trash the dress... and it was AMAZING!

  IMG_2488IMG_2488 IMG_2506IMG_2506 IMG_2508IMG_2508 IMG_2454IMG_2454 IMG_2538IMG_2538 IMG_2548IMG_2548 IMG_2647IMG_2647 IMG_2649IMG_2649 IMG_2662IMG_2662 IMG_2672IMG_2672 IMG_2673IMG_2673 IMG_2700IMG_2700 IMG_2645IMG_2645 IMG_2630IMG_2630 IMG_2608IMG_2608 IMG_2572IMG_2572 IMG_2581IMG_2581

[email protected] (Isabelle Roza) Wed, 09 Apr 2014 06:19:42 GMT
Colt Battalion JROTC A bright and early Thursday morning hears the steady thumping of marching feet to the rhythm of called cadence echoing through the gym of Buena High School as the JROTC Cadets ready themselves for the mornings inspection.  The young cadets expertly command their troops, flawlessly expanding their ranks as they have practiced time and time again.  The sight was truly amazing to see the leadership and the potential future of our military being executed with such poise, professionalism, and purpose. 

These young Cadets are lead by C/LTC Nicholas Calendar and C/CSM Byanka Padilla under the guidance of CSM (Ret.) Monty McDaniel and SFC (Ret.) Fuasto S. Valenzuela.

[email protected] (Isabelle Roza) Battalion Colt JROTC Sierra Vista buena high school Sat, 15 Mar 2014 18:15:37 GMT
A Co. 40th Promotions and Awards It was a great day for five of the 40th's finest soldiers.  First up were those being promoted PV2 Steel, PFC Smith, Drew, and PFC Cosgrove.  Promotions are always exciting and highly anticipated ventures of those in the military and today the three of them took one more step on their careers.  PV2 Steel was promoted to PFC and PFC Smith, Drew and PFC Cosgrove, Patrick were promoted to Specialist!  These soldiers of A Company's 2nd Platoon are now expected to take on more responsibility, being accountable for their actions, and are expected to continue working towards becoming a leader.  

This day also saw the awarding of the Army Achievement Medal for PFC Uzzle and PFC Gonzales for their completion of the Army Structured Self Development courses.  This is the first step towards being eligible to attend Warrior Leaders Course.  These soldiers are showing that they are ready for anything the Army has to put in front of them.


To purchase any of these photos click the view gallery link in the slide show or follow this link:

A Co. Promotion


[email protected] (Isabelle Roza) 40th ESB Alpha Company Fort Huachuca Ft. Huachuca Sierra Vista Photography military Sun, 02 Mar 2014 18:04:18 GMT
A. Co 40th Reenlistment ceremony  

10am Thursday morning a small group of soldiers stood over all of Ft. Huachuca.

Thursday SPC Pernell, Sgt. Frances Re enlisted by 1LT Merdler and Sgt. Sucher Re enlisted by CPT Bayer. As the unit readies for deployment these soldiers are ready to continue there loving support for there family and country. 

Photos can be found at the following link, add images to cart select FREE DIGITAL and check out to download! Or buy the soldiers a meal! Any profit made by ordering prints goes to buying snacks or meals for the A co!

- Photos by Isabelle Roza Megan Smith, at the request of Sgt. Sucher, please contact for any coverage you would like free for all military events. 

[email protected]  702-622-3492

[email protected] (Isabelle Roza) Alpha Company Sierra Vista Photography ft. Huachuca military Fri, 21 Feb 2014 06:08:45 GMT